Apply for Personal Loan

Apply for AEON Too Easy Tax Loan

Apply for Home Owner Loan

Apply for AEON Debt Consolidation Loan

The form must be completed in English
  • Applicants must be Hong Kong residents and aged 18 or above
  • Please fill in the fields marked with *

Personal Detail




Loan Indication


Direct Marketing and Declaration


If you don't have Home Tel no, please input Mobile No.

Please fill in the mobile number for receiving the SMS alert for the loan final approval result and related web application offer (If any)

Please fill in email address for AEON Netmember Service registration so that you can enjoy services provided by AEON.

Spouse Details

Loan amount and repayment period to be determined and confirmed by AEON.


Please select ONE of the follwing AEON Branch for loan confirmation.


  • The monthly flat rate of the Original Interest Rate is, in general, 1.46% (Annual Percentage Rate: 35.68%), and is not higher than 1.72% (Annual Percentage Rate: 42.78%).
  • AEON will consider and make reference to the applicants TU credit reports and application document. The applicants credit records and financial status will have bearing and effect on the final approval result and loan terms (including but not limited to loan amount, interest rate and tenor). Hence, the loan amount, interest rate, tenor and/ or other aspects of any loan we may approve may not be the same as requested by the applicant in their submitted application forms.

If you do not wish to receive any promotion information or latest offer from AEON or its subsidiaries in the future, please click here.

Third Party Involvement

Have you entered into or signed any agreement with any third party in relation to the loan under this application? *

1. Third party may include any individual/ corporate (other than you or us), such as an agent or an adviser. Third party is relevant only if you have entered into or signed any agreement with it and does not include solicitors instructed by you solely for the provision of legal services.

2. If your answer is Yes, we may have to ask you for, among others, the particulars of that third party and copy of the agreement(s) you made with it.


*Please read the below declaration and put a tick to indicate your agreement on contacting you through above channel for the application.

I confirm that all information in this application is true, correct and complete and authorize AEON Credit Service (Asia) Co., Ltd. ("AEON") to communicate and exchange the information with whatever sources AEON may consider appropriate for the purpose of verifying the same and compare such information with other information collected and use the results for taking any action including actions that may be adverse to my interest, including declining this application. I confirm that I have read and understood the attached Notice to Customers relating to the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance ("Notice"). I consent to the use of my personal data as set out in the Notice. I declare that I have (a) not had any credit card and/or unsecured loan in my name cancelled due to default in payment; (b) no overdue credit card or other loan payments outstanding for over 30 days; and (c) not had bankruptcy petition made against me and I am not petitioning or intending to petition for bankruptcy. I agree that AEON is entitled to obtain information relating to me from any third parties at any and all times, including without limitation conducting checks with any credit reference agency. In particular, I understand that AEON can routinely perform credit reviews and require monthly access to data from the credit reference agency to consider possible increase, decrease or modification of credit limits. I also understand that few facilities are affected by reviews.

Please read before submitting :

To ensure that you can fully enjoy the special benefit of the AEON Loan’s offer, we sincerely invite you to apply for AEON Visa Credit Card (Click here for the details) at the same time:

Please read carefully

(Due to the differences in the requirements between credit card application and loan application, and both of the applications will also be affected by the applicants credit history and the applicants financial situation, so each application will be reviewed and approved separately. Therefore, the final approval result of your loan application and credit card application may be different, subject to AEONs final approval.)

Please enter the characters that you see in the picture below

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AEON reserves the right to make the final decision.